There are many causes of foot pain including bunions, hammer toes, flat arches and diabetes. If you have foot pain, find an experienced podiatrist. Unfortunately, some problems may be more serious than others. For example, people with Foot Pain in Bohemia NY, may have diabetes. Diabetics are far more likely to have peripheral arterial disease (PAD) which cuts blood flow to the feet. In addition, diabetics may have nerve disease which lowers sensation in the feet. That is why it is common for diabetics to get foot ulcers and infections.
People who have Foot Pain in Bohemia NY should visit Sayville Foot Care. The doctor has years of experience and recognizes the symptoms of diabetic complications. For example, a simple callus can thicken, break down and turn into an ulcer. That’s why it is important to make and keep regular appointments with the podiatrist. The podiatrist examines the feet of diabetics regularly and trims toenails and calluses. He or she also looks for signs of neuropathy, diabetic nerve damage. People with nerve damage can have a tack or nail in their shoe and never feel it.
A patient who complains of a stabbing Foot Pain in Bohemia NY may have a plantars wart. These painful warts are caused by a viral infection. The podiatrist uses small amounts of medication until he breaks the wart down. Hammer toes occur because people wear shoes that are too tight. Usually, the second toe of the foot moves into a claw like position. Mild cases may be treated by manipulating and splinting the affected toe. On the other hand, more serious cases may require surgery. Bunions cause serious Foot Pain in Bohemia NY. Bunions form when there is a misalignment of the big toe joint. The misalignment causes the big toe to point outwards. Bunions may worsen to the point where the joint at the base of the toe gets inflamed, enlarged and very painful. Surgery is often performed to repair painful bunions. People who want to avoid foot problems should make sure shoes fit properly, trim toenails straight across and don’t walk bare-footed. No one can really be happy if they are walking around with painful feet.