Many people who suffer from chronic back pain find it quite difficult to find a comfortable position because there is compression on the spine. It makes little difference to the sufferer whether he is standing sitting or in the prone position, finding a comfortable position is hard. The spinal compression has the tendency to strain weakened muscles even more, making the pain worse. The pain can quickly move from just the back down to the lower limbs and even up into the shoulders and neck area. This is where an inversion table comes in; it is a device that allows the person suffering from back pain to hang upside down, head in the direction of the floor and feet pointed at the ceiling. When the sufferer is in this position, the stress is relieved from the back, allowing it to decompress.
An inversion table can usually be found at a spa or health center but suffers often will buy one for their home. If you do buy one, make sure you read any reviews that you can find because there are significant differences between manufacturers. What’s most important is that the table is well padded for comfortable use and made with a sturdy frame that will not collapse in use.
There is no doubt that inversion therapy works but when it comes to the back it is something which can have catastrophic consequences if the therapy goes wrong. For this reason, it is suggested that anyone considering an inversion table first check with the doctor or PT. Usually the doctor will not let his patients with high blood pressure use one as all the blood rushes to the head, women who are expecting a child should not use it either.
If the doctor gives you the go-ahead, start slowly, five minutes at a time is plenty. You will have to slowly acclimate yourself to the feeling of pressure in your face from the rush of blood. If you feel like you are going to be sick to your stomach, cease immediately and return to the upright position. You will get used to the sensation and when you do, you can spend more time upside down, ten or fifteen minutes is ideal. The best time of the day to use your table is late in the evening as your spine has been compressed all day.
If you have a chronic back problem you may wish to try an inversion table. Evolution Health has a wide range of tables as well as gravity boots to ease the transition to upright.