Benefits of Super Chargers in Scottsdale, AZ

by | Mar 19, 2019 | Automotive

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Most drivers have heard of turbochargers, yet there is still a good deal of mystery surrounding Super Chargers in Scottsdale AZ. It’s a shame that more drivers aren’t aware of them given how much extra power they offer. Drivers who want to learn more can find out about a few of the reasons to choose superchargers over turbochargers below.

No Lag

The term “lag” refers to the amount of time that passes between the depression of the gas pedal and the engine’s response. Turbocharged vehicles have lag, but superchargers don’t. These impressive devices are controlled directly by a vehicle’s crankshaft, which allows them to provide extra power immediately with no lag.

Low RPM Boost

Certain types of supercharges, such as roots and twin-screw models, are more efficient than turbochargers when vehicles are being operated at a lower RPM. It’s also possible to purchase superchargers, such as centrifugal models, that provide more power when vehicles are operated at higher RPM.

Cost Efficient

Turbochargers can be very expensive to install because they require extensive exhaust system modifications. Superchargers, on the other hand, can simply be bolted to the side or the top of a vehicle’s engine, making them much less expensive to install and maintain.

No Shutdown Procedure

Super Chargers in Scottsdale AZ don’t require any kind of special shutdown procedure since they aren’t lubricated with engine oil. Turbochargers, on the other hand, need to idle for at least 30 seconds prior to shutting down since they do use engine oil and it needs to cool down. It is worth noting that superchargers require a brief warm-up period to operate at maximum efficiency, just like turbochargers.

Plenty of Power

Both superchargers and turbochargers offer plenty of extra power. Superchargers work by increasing an engine’s horsepower, offering better acceleration and more power.

Learn More Today

Still not sure whether to have a supercharger or a turbocharger installed on a vehicle? The best thing to do is talk to a mechanic who has experience working with both of these systems. Contact Us to discuss the differences between these two methods of increasing power and performance in more depth or schedule an appointment for vehicle modification today.

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