Beyond Immediate Debt Relief With 4 Pillars Services

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Business Consultant

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It is not uncommon for people to initially come to 4 Pillars to find help with debt. For some people, this is early in the process, where there is minimal damage to the individual’s credit score from missed or partial payments on debts and when foreclosure and bankruptcy are not an immediate concern.

It is also common for people to seek the assistance of a 4 Pillars debt consultant after trying very hard for months or years to correct the debt problem. In these situations, foreclosure or bankruptcy may be a current issue, with the need for immediate relief more critical.

While the staff at 4 Pillars provides personalized and individualized debt services, they are also able to help the individual or the couple moving forward. Often learning how to budget and becoming more educated about financial decision making gives a person the skills needed to avoid ever having to worry about debt again.

Budgeting is Critical

Many people do not budget. They do not plan how they are going to pay their bills or live within their income. This leads to overusing credit cards, taking out loans, or making purchases that are beyond the ability to repay on the given income.

Our debt consultants offer information and education on how to live within a budget. This is essential when paying off debt, but it is also a skill that is helpful for continuing to live a debt-free life after the debt is repaid.

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