When it comes to Bible study on Revelation, there are many things you may have learned already that are cause for confusion. Revelations is a very confusing book of the Bible that has frequently been mistranslated and misunderstood. An accurate Bible study on this section of the Bible can yield more insight and clarity into what is really going on.
Analyzing Chapter 1
In Chapter 1 of the Bible section called Revelation, Jesus has a revelation for his disciples. Here he goes in depth into talking about events that must take place very soon. This set of events has been taken out of context of what Jesus said and has been assumed to be impending events that have still yet to manifest. This is what is causing a lot of confusion around Revelation. By understanding that Jesus meant that these events would happen in the times of his disciples, people can have a much better understanding and avoid the fear and confusion.
Exploring Revelation for the truth
Revelation was a dictation from Jesus Christ to his disciples which was specifically meant to address the Seven Churches of Asia. This address has since been construed to have been given to the general populace and is read to present day churches as if Jesus was speaking to everyone. By understanding that this was a specific address meant to be provided specifically to the people of the Seven Churches of Asia, people can better understand the message and its context.
The people in the seven churches were expecting the return of Jesus imminently. Thus this address spoke to them and allowed them to have more peace of mind knowing that justice would soon take place and their suffering would be over. With a more in depth understanding of what was taking place in this book of the Bible, students of the Bible would be in a better position to put everything in context.
The book Bamboozled Believers by Michael Biehler offers amazing insight into the truth of Revelation.