Regardless of how often it snows and how often you use your trails, having the right snow grooming equipment is a must for both private trails as well as those used by tour companies and guides. The great news is that the cost of both professional and personal types of snowmobile groomer equipment is more reasonable now than ever providing you with lots of options when you are ready to make a purchase.
For all types of snowmobile groomer equipment purchases you have two options, buying new or buying used. Depending on your budget and needs then either can be a good option, but there are some definite issues to consider and some potential drawbacks to buying used equipment over new.
As snowmobile groomer equipment advances, new features and tweaks to existing models and styles add to the value and practical use of the equipment. When you buy new you can take full advantage of all these adjustments and advancements to get a cutting edge groomer that can handle anything you need it to.
If you buy a used snowmobile groomer you have less in the way of options. Most people that are selling used equipment are selling models that have seen several winters of work and are not just a year or two old.
Durability and Wear
When you are buying snowmobile groomer equipment used it is always buyer beware. Some of the trails and winters are harder on equipment than others and some owners don’t take the time to properly store and maintain the equipment between seasons.
Often you don’t have the option to take the equipment out for a test drive, especially if you are buying in the spring, summer or fall, so you are really taking the seller’s word that it is all in great working order.
On the other hand, buying new ensures that everything on the snowmobile groomer from the on the move adjustment controls to the hitch, blades and frame is brand new and correctly adjusted. You don’t have to worry about hidden structural problems or home repairs that may not last you through the winter.
It is surprising when comparing new and used snowmobile groomer equipment to find that the prices are often not that much different. Buying new certainly provides you with the best options and should really be your only consideration.
We recommend buying a new snowmobile groomer for top quality equipment that will last for years. To learn more go to