Buying Industrial Fasteners in Bulk Is the Best Decision for Your Company

by | Sep 3, 2021 | Fasteners Supply

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If your business has a regular need for industrial fasteners, then you may think you are wise by only purchasing what you need for each particular job. However, you are almost certainly spending more than you should be by doing it this way. Here are some reasons to buy in bulk no matter what fasteners material specification you may require.


While it may seem counterintuitive to buy more fasteners than you currently need, you should be aware that all companies give price breaks when a certain quantity of any product is ordered. While you may not need all of the fasteners right now, the fact is that you will need more in the future. With this in mind, it only makes sense to order in bulk as much as possible. Any money saved is an increase to the bottom line of the business.


When you purchase small quantities of industrial fasteners, they ten to come individually packaged. This can add up to an alarming amount of wasted packaging material. However, when you purchase in bulk, the fasteners all tend to come in one large package. This reduces the carbon footprint for which your company is responsible. It also may make you eligible for certain tax credits depending on where you are located.

Time Saver

If you are constantly on the phone or on the supplier’s website ordering industrial fasteners that must meet certain fasteners material specifications then you are wasting a lot of time that could be spent on other aspects of your business.

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