Can Your Local Chiropractor in Hawaii Help You?

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Health And Fitness

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Chiropractic medicine is considered an alternative and complementary practice that has come a long way since the days of its founders, who claimed that the misalignment of the vertebrae was the source of all diseases. Today your local Chiropractor at Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Hawaii and other chiropractors around the world frequently collaborate with physicians, but they do not perform surgery. They do, however, employ many standard medical procedures. And in some cases, chiropractic services are covered by medical insurance.

Most chiropractors use a type of manual therapy called “spinal manipulation”. According to the theory of chiropractic medicine, misalignment of the vertebrae can limit the range of motion of the spine and affect the nerves that exit from the spinal cord. In turn, the organs that depend on these nerves can malfunction or suffer disease. Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation and manipulation aims to realign the vertebrae to restore the range of motion of the spine and free the nerves.

In addition to chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists are trained in spinal manipulation and performing these treatments. And although many chiropractors maintain the theory that spinal manipulation can treat many diseases other than back pain, scientific research does not support it. The most common reason for visiting a Chiropractor in Hawaii is back pain. Studies indicate that spinal manipulation can effectively relieve uncomplicated back pain, especially if the pain has been presented in the past 4 weeks. However, most acute back pain resolves without treatment in 4-6 weeks so that there is little evidence that chiropractic treatment is effective long term.

Tips before seeing a chiropractor
Before you decide to undergo chiropractic treatment, it may be useful to consider the following tips and advice:

  • Ask your doctor to recommend an appropriate specialist: chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist.
  • When you see a Chiropractor in Hawaii, confirm their qualification.
  • Make sure the chiropractor you have chosen provides a report for your doctor, along with a written treatment plan and allows your treatments to be observed by your doctor.
  • Beware of chiropractors looking to take X-Rays often or speaking of continuing treatment indefinitely.
  • Beware of chiropractors who think that spinal manipulation cures “all the evils you have.” There is no evidence to support this theory.

It is vital you choose a professional chiropractor in Hawaii on whom you can trust. Do not waste time if you are in pain either. For more information contact your local chiropractor today.

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