Carbide bur is made for more efficient cutting on tooth surfaces. There’s a greater blade contact with lesser risk of breakage or chipping. Its engineering manages a smooth and vibration-less performance, which gives less discomfort and minimized operating time.
The material is developed from high quality, fine grade of tungsten carbide. It runs through 20 stringent inspection and control protocols and meets all standards set by the FDA, ISO, CE, and BSI.
What makes the carbide burrs invaluable in dentistry is the brazing design. The engineering is in the neck as opposed to the head. This delivers unparalleled strength and concentricity. The shanks come from stainless steel. This means no possibility of corrosion and the allowance of multiple autoclaves.
The devices are multifunctional and simplify dental surgery without hindering performance. The burs are exceptional resources for root canals. They can act as an initial surgical bur for splitting a tooth. Overall, these instruments promise outstanding cutting reliability and capability at affordable prices.
Compared to traditional diamond burs, carbide offers a finer performance. Diamond burs get clogged with debris. Grinding gradually wears the instrument down. Thanks to its engineering, carbide maintains its sharpness. Their design minimizes debris buildup. The carbide tool doesn’t grind but actually cuts away at the structure of the tooth.
Strauss Diamond provides the highest quality dental instruments at the most affordable prices.