Caring for Your Landscaping in Maui

by | May 30, 2019 | Landscaping

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When you purchase a new home, you may find yourself very impatient to have the Landscaping done, but steps must be taken to properly care for the new lawn and shrubs as they take root. New landscaping in Maui area is more prone to insect problems and disease, because it hasn’t had the time to establish a deep root system. For this reason, controlling insects and disease is essential, along with the proper amount of watering. How do you go about taking care of your new Landscaping in Maui?

Water is essential to both the lawn and any plants and shrubs, yet many homeowners provide too much water, rather than not enough. There is no one answer to how often your landscape should be watered, as this depends on numerous factors, including the soil in your area and the plants you have selected for the landscape. Dig six to eight inches down into the soil near the roots of a shrub. Grab a handful of soil and squeeze it. If a ball forms, you don’t need to water. If one doesn’t, more water is needed.

In addition to water, the landscape needs air, and too much water interferes with this. Many see wilted, yellow leaves and assume this means they aren’t watering enough. They then begin to water more frequently, blocking the air needed by the roots to survive, basically suffocating the plants and grass. The key to success is to make sure the water gets deep into the soil. That is more important than the frequency of watering. You’ll want to soak the soil to a depth of eight inches every few days. This helps to promote a deep root system, one which can withstand a drought and is more resistant to insects and disease.

Water is only part of what is needed to keep a landscape looking beautiful. In addition to provide the correct amount of water, you’ll also need to ensure you are mowing the lawn properly, using a mower with sharp blades and removing only a portion of the blade of grass each time you mow. Fertilizing is important, and you’ll want to prune shrubs after the first season. With a comprehensive program, you can have beautiful landscaping. If you find you need help, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. They’ll be happy to do the work for you, so the landscape remains beautiful.
For more information, visit He-Man Services.

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