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Son of Man Coming With the Clouds

Did He or didn’t He? Will He or won’t He? The talk refers to the second coming of Jesus. Is this just another difference in opinion that keeps the Church and the Body of Christ, divided? Every reader should ask if knowing whether or not the Son of Man has already come...

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Could You Spot Deception In The Church?

As a Christian you have to be constantly vigilant towards false prophets and teachers. The Bible is very clear that both have been present since the first days of the church. Often when people of faith change churches, move or even visit the church of a friend or...

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How To Evaluate Articles On America And Prophecy

If you are like most Americans, especially those that consider themselves to be Christians, you most likely access a wide variety of biblical teaching on a regular basis. Many of these teachings, especially in times like today when world events, disasters and domestic...

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