Chicago improv is a unique type of comedy because it is rare to be able to visit a place where the well-known genre got its start while still being able to be entertained in the same way. Improv is a form of entertainment that offers a different experience every time you see a show. If comedy is funny than improv is simply hysterical!
What Is Improv?
If you are one of the three people in the world that has never heard of this entertainment style a little brief explanation is in order. Improv is a genre most often used in comedy plays and skits that allows the actor to improvise on the spot. While there may be some scripting, the largest part of the action happens when some of the funniest people in the world take the outline and run with it. This makes for an action-packed show where you never quite know what is going to happen.
Why Is Chicago Improv a Must See?
There is only one place that is considered the home of improv and it is in Chicago. If you want the best in anything you go to the source to experience it the way it is meant to be! This comedy club is not only a club it is an institution chock full of history, the home to improv, a learning place, a household name for many people, and the place where many great comedians have spent learning and performing. It is a rarity to have a club that not only survives the years but that thrives and changes the face of comedy that you can still visit. The history alone is a big draw for many guests. If you love comedy, and most people do even if they have not yet realized it, and want to learn more about what funny is the home of improve Second City is the place! And also like our Facebook page.