Chili Peppers Now Available from Experts at Mexican Food Distribution in Pennsylvania

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Food and Drink

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Philadelphia is widely known as a place where immigrants from Italy made a deep, enduring culinary impression. Even today, Italian-American dishes of various kinds rank as many of the city’s favorites, and South Philadelphia’s Italian Market is a truly iconic destination. At the same time, appreciation for cuisines of other kinds has also been growing steadily over the years. As a result, interest in Mexican food is likely now nearly as high as that for the Italian-American dishes that have so long been identified with the city. Visit and it will become clear that the state of mexican food distribution in Pennsylvania is such that supporting this still-growing demand will not be a problem.

Compared to the ingredients that have for so long formed the core of Italian-American cooking, those required for most Mexican dishes are notably different. While many Italian-influenced dishes include a bit of dried cayenne chili pepper or a pickled pepper known as pepperoncini, Mexican cuisine ranches much wider within the Capsicum genus. Specialists at mexican food distribution in Pennsylvania therefore have to go quite a bit farther in order to make sure that their clients will have everything they might need.

In practice, this will mean keeping steady stocks of at least a dozen different peppers each of both dried and fresh kinds. In the former category, chili peppers like the guajillo and the ancho often form the basis of salsas and other kinds of sauces, with these relatively mild, flavorful dried peppers contributing an earthy, pleasant foundation. Distributors will also typically stock other dried peppers like the smoky chipotle and its close cousin the morita, with the less aggressive finish of the latter allowing it to assume a more complementary role.

With regard to fresh chili peppers, Pennsylvania-based distributors work every bit as hard. Popular standouts like the jalapeno and the habanero are always kept in healthy supply, along with milder peppers like the poblano variety. Restaurants also now find it easy enough to acquire stocks of peppers like the aji amarillo that are still seen as somewhat exotic in many parts of Mexico. As a result, Philadelphia residents who appreciate great Mexican food can generally count on enjoying everything the cuisine has to offer.

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