Commercial vs Residential Roofing in Middletown

by | Jan 6, 2015 | Roofing

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To the naked eye, it may seem like there is not much of a difference between commercial and residential roofing in Middletown. However, any skilled professional in the roofing field knows that there are several key differences between commercial and residential roofing in Middletown. These differences include the materials used, the design of the roof, and the building codes that must be met.

So, why should you hire a professional roofer for your next commercial or residential roofing task? You do not want to let just anyone climb up on your roof. A professional roofing company will be able to use the right design and materials for your roof to ensure it can withstand the elements and meet all the necessary building codes.

Materials Used

The materials that are used for roofing are often determined by the size and type of roof that is needed. Therefore, because commercial roofs are usually greater in size, they require different materials than residential roofs. Two materials that are common to both commercial and residential roofing in Middletown include wood shakes and asphalt shingles. However, the majority of the other materials used will be determined by the size of the roof.

Construction Workers on Roof


In reference to roofing design, commercial roofing often requires larger designs with more accommodations than residential roofing in Middletown. Some accommodations required by commercial companies include air flow systems, smoke stacks, and external piping. While some residential roofs require a chimney, or similar modifications, accommodations are not nearly as common on residential roofs as they are on the roofs of commercial buildings.

The overall design of commercial roofs is also flatter than that of residential roofs. Because commercial roofs are so much larger, they are often flatter whereas residential roofs usually form a peak. Commercial roofs must also be more structurally sound. While protection from the elements is important for any type of roof, the large design of commercial building means they need additional support in case of the accumulation of snow or rain.

Building Codes

Whether your roof is intended for commercial or residential purposes, it will be necessary for it to meet certain codes for safety. Building codes are set in place to protect the safety and well-being of individuals that enter and exit the building. Because of the large size of most commercial buildings, their building codes are different than that of smaller residential buildings. Visit Majestic Exteriors for more details.

However, if you are planning to construct (or make roofing repairs to) an apartment building, the structure will most likely be required to meet the building codes set forth for commercial buildings. For roofing purposes, most apartment buildings have larger, flatter roofs, thus being more similar to commercial roofing than residential roofing in Middletown.

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