A hand surgeon in Boca Raton FL will perform a series of treatments regularly on the hand and wrist of their patients to ease the pain and suffering felt by each patient. The modern lives we live in have prompted an increase in the number of cases affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger release, and tendon repair. There are few occasions where the appearance of the hands is a consideration in surgery with most of those completed done so to repair damage and common injuries.
How the hands work
Whenever you are considering hand surgery in Boca Raton FL, your surgeon will usually give you a lot of details about how your hands work and what has gone awry with your injury. In simple terms, our hands are controlled by a mixture of tendons and muscles with two main nerves providing the sensation of touch we rely on so heavily. One of the most common surgeries completed is to repair carpal tunnel issues that can begin with the median or carpal nerve. This is why our sense of touch can be damaged when we begin to have issues with carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain issues.
When to seek the help of a hand surgeon in Boca Raton FL
Hand surgery is not as common as some other treatments for musculoskeletal and arthritis pain around other parts of the body. The decision to turn to the expertise of an experienced surgeon usually comes after all other forms of treatment have been exhausted. When affected by pain or a loss of function in the hands, a surgeon may begin with common treatments, such as splints, medications, and physical therapy. If these non-surgical solutions have little impact, the option of surgery will usually be considered and undertaken with the assistance of a qualified and experienced hand surgeon in Boca Raton FL. For more information visit Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group.