Complete Your Home Decorating Motif with a Tin Ceiling Install

by | Feb 24, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Plaster-coated ceilings abound in America, and though this is a relatively inexpensive medium to work with, it leaves little leeway for distinction from every other ceiling in the country. Sure, a coat of paint, various stippling patterns or clever use of different types of molding can be used to match your personal style and decor, but another alternative is quickly building steam. Once a popular choice among homeowners of all social standings, tin ceilings are now making a comeback.

Unlike your ordinary choices, a tin ceiling install gives you a great deal of creative freedom. Your ceiling can become as ornate or ordinary as you choose, and you have virtually unlimited patterns to choose from. Whether your home incorporates an Art Deco, Colonial, Gothic or Victorian theme, an imprinted pattern is available to match. Of course, if your style does not fit into a conventional classification, you could certainly go your own route with your ceiling design.

Perhaps you prefer the tone of a plaster ceiling, but also enjoy the idea of a unique design. If so, a tin ceiling install may still be a good option for you. Tin can be painted to resemble its plaster counterpart with the pattern of choice still shining through. You could also fall back on a simple clear lacquer finish to keep the natural and unique metallic gleam.

Tin requires very little in the way of maintenance. While it does need to be cleaned from time to time, it won’t succumb to the same decay as other ceilings and retains its beauty for decades. Since the thin metal used is typically installed in sheets measuring two feet by two feet, should a panel meet with an unfortunate demise, you can easily have only the affected section replaced rather than a significant portion of your ceiling. You also won’t have to worry about those unsightly dark stains following a leak as you would with a traditional ceiling.

With a wide range of finishes to choose from, greater durability, higher levels of fire resistance, and countless available patterns, a tin ceiling install may be just what you need to give your home a unique look and feel. If your ceilings hold an unconventional shape or size, let Abingdon Construction design a custom tin layout to accommodate your needs. Whether elegant or rustic is the theme at hand, consider completing the motif with a tin ceiling. Browse website for more information.

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