Considering Different Designs for Monuments in Connecticut

by | Jun 2, 2015 | Business

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Part of making funeral and burial arrangements in advance includes settling on the specifics of the final resting place. For individuals who like the idea of Monuments in Connecticut, it pays to work with a professional to settle the particulars. Here are a few points to keep in mind.

The Size of the Monument

One of the more important aspects to continue is the overall size of the monument. A good place to begin is with whatever guidelines the cemetery can provide. In some places, there are no restrictions related to size or height, other than the Monuments in Connecticut must not extend beyond the size of the burial plot. Other cemeteries have specific guidelines that everyone is expected to follow. Typically, it is simple enough to request a hard copy of those guidelines and use them as a starting point for determining the overall dimensions of the monument.

The Materials Chosen

There is more than one type of material used for monuments. Many people choose to go with granite or marble. Both are sturdy materials and are available in multiple colors. It is also possible to add elements made from other materials. For example, a granite monument can be fitted with a brass plate that provides the essential information like birth and death dates along with the full name of the deceased.

Other Features and Ornamentation

A monument can be as simple or as ornate as the customer wishes. For inspiration and different ideas, spend some time walking around a few cemeteries and noticing what additional touches others have chosen for their final resting places. Never considered the idea of a personal photograph encase in acrylic and mounted on the monument? That is one possibility. Even something as simple as choosing to surround the monument with marble chips and a bench for loved ones to sit on when visiting the grave might be a good idea.

For some ideas on finding the right type of monument design, consult the experts at Business Name today. They can provide information about the pros and cons of different materials and offer some suggestions for different designs. With a little time and effort, the right choice will be made, and the monument can be put in place in no time.

Visit website for more details.

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