If you have discomfort when coughing or pain when you’re bending over, you may want to consult with a professional who performs hernia repair in Fort Lee. NJ. They can discuss your options and inform you about the different methods used to help solve this problem.
Signs You May Need Assistance
If a section of your intestine protrudes through a weak area of your abdominal wall, it can cause acute pain, fever and the inability to pass gas or have a bowel movement. Typically, all hernias should be repaired unless you’ve got some restrictions from having surgery. Consulting with a professional who conducts hernia repair in Fort Lee. NJ. is usually an excellent choice to make if you’re in this situation.
Open Repair Versus Laparoscopic Repair
Surgically repairing a hernia is completed by utilizing a laparoscopic or open method. Choosing the right approach for this type of repair is determined by a professional by looking at factors associated with the size of the hernia, location and body type. Factors related to your overall health will also be used to determine the appropriate answer.
Experience Counts
Utilizing an experienced specialist who provides hernia repair in Fort Lee. NJ. is usually your best option when you are in pain and need to consult with a professional. They understand how to analyze your problem and develop the best solution to help relieve your pain and suffering. To learn more about this type of surgery and its benefits, visit the Groin and Pelvic Pain Institute to learn more.