Criminal Lawyers Will Ensure That You Receive A Fair Trial

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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The worst thing you can do is try to represent yourself in a criminal trial. You have rights that you might not even know that you have. One mistake and you may accidentally give up those rights. A lawyer will make sure that your rights are protected, and that you receive a fair trial. Some of those rights include bail, evidentiary protection, and those rights afforded you through your Miranda rights.


As soon as you are arrested, you should be read your rights. Among those rights is the right to an attorney even if you cannot afford one. You also have the right not to speak and to have your lawyer with you whenever you are being questioned. Criminal Lawyers will make sure that those rights are protected.


Prior to the implementation of the bail system, defendants in criminal proceedings had to remain in jail until they had their trial. That could take days and even years. Bail allows you to get out of jail while you are awaiting trial. The prosecutors will try to obtain the highest bail possible in an attempt to keep you behind bars. However, your Criminal Lawyers will work to get you the lowest bail possible so that you can get out of jail. Your lawyers will meet with you often while you are out on bail.


Law enforcement is going to gather evidence to be used against you. You have the right to have that evidence legally obtained. That means that any evidence against you must be obtained with search warrants, and by following rules that are designed to ensure that all evidence is legally and lawfully obtained. Lawyers at Coates, Coates and Coates, P.A will ensure that all of the evidence against you is legally obtained so that you can have a fair trial.

As soon as you are arrested, you will need to contact a criminal defense lawyer. Your lawyers will fight for you and make sure that you receive a fair trial. It is important that you work with your lawyers throughout the proceedings, and that you be completely honest with them.

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