Determining If You are a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel in Fayetteville

by | Dec 3, 2019 | Skin Care

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Factors beyond your control can cause you to age prematurely. Your skin can look years older than it really is. You may no longer recognize yourself when you look in the mirror.

Rather than live with an appearance that you are not happy with, you can take control to some degree of the factors affecting your face by undergoing cosmetic procedures. You can determine if you should undergo a chemical peel in Fayetteville area by learning about the ideal candidate for it.


A chemical peel in Fayetteville can be ideal for someone who does not smoke. Smoking causes continuous damage to your skin. If you are a smoker, you can quickly undo the positive results that this procedure brings to your face.

Before you undergo this procedure, you will be advised to stop smoking. If you are already a non-smoker, you could be approved more readily than someone who uses tobacco products.

Avoid Sunbathing and Tanning

You also will be approved for a chemical peel more readily if you avoid tanning or sunbathing. UV rays causes your skin to age rapidly. If you take part in these activities, your doctor will advise you to halt them in order to maintain the results of your chemical peel.

You can find out more about whether or not you are a good candidate for a chemical peel in Fayetteville online. Contact to set up a free consultation with a cosmetic procedure provider or go to to find out more about chemical peels today.

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