Determining the Gender of your Baby

by | May 11, 2015 | Health

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If you are like most soon-to-be parents, you’ve likely begun to consider whether or not you should be painting the nursery blue or pink. Several decades ago, it was anyone’s guess. Nowadays, however, it is possible to determine the gender of a baby much sooner in pregnancy.

Finding out the gender of a child is an exciting time for all parents to be.
There are several reasons why you may wish to know the gender of your child prior to his or her birth. They include:

• The freedom to choose a gender-appropriate name early on
• A requirement to know whether or not your child might be susceptible to gender related genetic abnormalities
• The ability to purchase clothing and other items prior to the baby’s arrival

Regardless of your reasons only a qualified medical practitioner can perform the necessary tests to determine gender.

What tests determine gender?
There are a number of old wives tales all said to be accurate in determining gender, however, the accuracy of these are very much ‘luck-based’. The only truly accurate methods of determining gender must be done by a medical professional, and even these are not 100% accurate. The most widely recognized tests used to determine the sex of a soon to be born child are:

• Traditional Ultrasound
• 3D Baby Ultrasound
• Amniocentesis
• Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
• Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Of the above-mentioned, the most commonly used methods are traditional ultrasound and 3D ultrasounds.

What is a 3D Ultrasound?
Parents-to-be have shown a preference for 3D Baby Ultrasounds in Charleston, SC and throughout the world, preferring them over traditional 2D ultrasounds. Studies have indicated that 3D ultrasound can determine the gender of a baby much sooner than traditional methods, and at much more accurate rates.

In fact, the British Journal of Radiology recently conducted a study of 150 women in their first trimester of pregnancy. Their findings concluded that 85.3% of these women received correct gender predictions between 11 and 14 weeks gestation. This means that 3D ultrasounds are an effective way to determine the gender of a child much sooner on in pregnancy.
Technological advances have made it possible for soon-to-be parents to see real-time images of their growing babies long before birth and have helped to expedite the process of determining gender, making it much easier for to plan for the arrival of the newest member of the family.

Bond with Baby is the leading expert on 3D Baby Ultrasounds in Charleston, SC and surrounding areas. Visit their website for more information.

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