It seems like every year schools get the student body and community together to raise money. Not only can this really help the school get their budget and bottom line in order, it can also provide a fun way to get the community involved and interested in the local school.
A fun and unique way to raise money is to sell tickets for an opportunity to duct tape the principal to the way. To do this, you will need a fun and outgoing principle who is willing to face a little public embarrassment in order to get fundraising ideas for the school. It is pretty simple to pull off, as you will basically just need some high quality tape that promises not to hurt when you peel it off. Students and faculty can buy pieces of tape for $1 apiece and take turns helping to stick the principal to the wall.
Another great way to raise money is to have a school carnival. This can really engage the community, as parents, siblings, and grandparents can come out and show their support. This widens the possible fundraising base and helps to ensure that you can raise more money. This also offers a lot of possible ways to raise money, as you can diversify the carnival to provide multiple revenue streams. You can offer a bake sale by having parents bake their favorite recipe and bring it for hungry carnival-goers to buy and munch on. This is a classic that is sure to be a hit with any crowd. There is nothing better than sampling the best baked goods of all the school mom and grandmas! Further, at a carnival, you can have a dunk tank, which is a very similar idea to taping the principal to the wall. Different teachers and faculty can sign up for a turn in the dunk tank throughout the night, so student can have the exiting opportunity of sinking their teaching into some cold water. You can sell throws for $1 apiece. Carnivals are also an excellent place to hold auctions. The school can ask parents to donate items, such as a gift card or tickets to a baseball game, and then people can place their bids. Carnivals provide endless ways to raise money for local schools.
A delicious way to raise funds for the school is a candy bar sale. This is a long standing tradition for many schools, and can be most popular around holidays when people really have a sweet tooth! To do a candy bar sale, you can either sell candy bars directly, by purchasing them in bulk for a lower price than which you sell at, or partnering with a candy bar company. If you choose to partner with a company, they will provide students with catalogs which they can show to parents or neighbors, who can place their order. Students will then bring the catalog back to the school, where the order will be placed. This is an inexpensive and easy to understand way to fundraise.