Divorce Attorney in Douglasville GA: How To Handle Your Children

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Lawyers

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Your marriage is no longer what it once was and you either don’t want to get it back or you can’t. No matter the reason, divorce looks like your only option. Once the divorce has been filed and you hire a Divorce Attorney in Douglasville GA, all the details of the divorce will be discussed and resolved. Assets will be divided up, custody will be awarded, and visitation requirements will be made. You will walk away and start your newly single life.

In all the stress of a divorce, it is easy to get caught up and forget one major detail: the children. As parents, it is your job to help your children cope with your divorce that is causing their world to change. Your Divorce Attorney in Douglasville GA can make sure that your best interests are represented in the divorce, and help you protect your children, but it is up to you to help them understand.

It is important to consider the age of children before trying to explain to them what is going on. Younger children are not going to understand what you tell them the same way that older children will. Keep your discussions on their level and ask them along the way if they have questions and if they understand. Be sure that you are not placing blame on anyone and are not talking badly about the other parent. Emphasize to your children that they are not losing the other parent, but that their time will be divided between parents instead.

Anytime that you are going to be around your ex for any reason, be sure that the two of you are civil towards each other. Do not fight in front of your children even if you did when you were married. This only confuses them. If you cant get along, try not to speak to your ex, but don’t ignore them either. It may be best to have a conversation with your ex and make it known that you want things to be pleasant for the kids and talk about both of your expectations for the times that you will be around each other. Whether you have children or not, experts suggest that you always reach out to a law firm such as Business Name and hire an attorney to help you.

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