If you bring home a new puppy, dog training is vitally important. The earlier you start, the better chances you have of a happy dog who knows how to please you and who, in turn, makes an ideal companion.
The Power of Positive Reinforcement with Dogs
Dog training requires consistency and perseverance. It also requires positive reinforcement. Your dog wants to please you. He or she responds best to positive reinforcement. Show him or her what makes you happy. If he or she is doing something that displeases you, show the preferred behavior.
Chewing Problems with Dogs:
If your dog chews something he or she should not chew, correct them with a demonstration of something he or she is allowed to chew. Praise your dog for chewing the chew toy instead of a door frame or a shoe, for instance.
Puppies teethe and need something to chew on so chew toys are an excellent investment!
Puppy Bathroom Accidents:
Bathroom accidents are inevitable in the early days of dog training. Praising your puppy when he or she correctly uses the ‘bathroom’ outdoors is going to show him or her that you prefer that behavior. A stern “no” and then taking the pup outdoors when an accident happens can be very effective.
In the early days of puppy house training you will need to take the puppy outdoors frequently, as often as every 30 minutes. Praise your dog when it relieves itself outdoors and this will give you ample opportunity to show him or her your positive reinforcement. After a time, you can start to get your dog on a routine. Most dogs can last while you’re at work and wait to relieve themselves, but patience is a virtue here because it takes time for your dog to learn the right behavior.
Additional Areas to Keep in Mind with Dog Training:
* Your dog will need consistency from everyone in the house with commands and training.
* Quarantining a dog new to an area during the night or while at work can help with the training process but be sure that your puppy gets plenty of time out with you and for exercise.
* Idle puppies behave badly due to boredom. Activity helps immensely. Tire him or her out, show plenty of praise for desired behavior, and plenty of exercise will help eliminate a lot of destructive behavior.
* Don’t underestimate the power of obedience training. A dog training professional can help you with breed specific training and help you overcome common behavior problems in puppies and adolescent dogs.