Electric versus Spring and Gas Powered Airsoft Guns

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Shopping

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Airsoft is widely popular amongst millions of people worldwide. It has become a popular ‘sport’ that affords many the opportunity to partake in a friendly version of typical military combat. Although an electric airsoft gun is made to look exactly like the ‘real’ one, they are harmless when they are used properly. Proper use includes safety gear, as well as, everyone that is using an electric airsoft gun (or any airsoft gun) uses it with common sense.

Hobby or Enthusiast

Some people may have an electric airsoft gun on display because they like to collect items or they may use them for training purposes, they are versatile and there are many different types that are available for purchase. The speeds in which the BB’s can be propelled can range anywhere between 150 – 600 fps (feet per second) but this will widely depend on that individuals particular setup.

Three Categories of Airsoft

There are three main categories that airsoft guns can fall under and those are electric, gas and spring guns. Not all of the different types fire BB’s that are like the typical BB’s that are used in real BB guns. The ‘BB’s’ for airsoft are actually made of a very hard biodegradable plastic material.

Why Go Electric

An electric airsoft gun is by far the most popular type of airsoft gun that is used to date. The main reason behind this is because they are electric, one no longer has to worry about firing springs that may get stuck, and they definitely no longer have to worry about replacing any type of gas container/cartridge. The way an electric airsoft gun works in a similar fashion to the spring powered ones but do not require the user to manually cock the gun. For this reasoning, an electric airsoft gun may have the capability to become fully automatic – this again depends on the model and price spent on it.

Since an electric airsoft gun has a much further shooting range normally and does so at a rapid speed, it is considered cream of the crop in the airsoft world. Another great benefit that an electric airsoft gun has is that the battery that it uses can be recharged which in turn makes this a cost effective purchase. Many people do not realize how expensive gas cartridges can become over time, especially if the propellant chosen is Green gas or propane. The only major downfall to using an electric airsoft gun is that it does lose some firing power in wet conditions and would require one to carry an additional battery backup – if the batteries run out, it is game over.

An electric airsoft gun essentially affords people a whole entire different airsoft experience. Airsoft GI is the largest online retailer for Airsoft products and will have something to accommodate anyone’s preferences.

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