Explore the Benefits of Holy Basil

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Medicine

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Harsh chemical compounds aren’t the only option available for treating illness, fighting infection and boosting health. Practitioners of traditional medicine have long known that plant-derived products can pack powerful punches in the quest for better health. One such supplement that has a long history of use is holy basil. Found naturally in India, this plant is widely used for a host of positive effects on the body. Just explore the benefits of holy basil to see why this plant is considered sacred among the Hindu.

Main Benefits of Holy Basil

While it’s not quite a cure all, the benefits of holy basil are extensive. This herbal supplement has even been researched by Westerners to better understand its properties, many of which have been confirmed in preliminary studies.

Practitioners of Indian medicine use holy basil for these benefits:

  • Its infection-fighting abilities – The antioxidants and other natural compounds found in holy basil make it a powerful tool to use in fighting illness and infection. It’s been used to treat such conditions as ringworm, tuberculosis, the common cold, malaria and even the flu.
  • Its anti-inflammatory abilities – With a natural pain reducing effect and anti-inflammatory property, holy basil has long been used in traditional medicine to ease the symptoms of such conditions as asthma, headache, stomach ache, bronchitis and more.
  • Its blood sugar controlling abilities – Some studies have shown that holy basil can be useful in helping Type 2 diabetics keep their sugar levels under control. While it’s not a replacement for other activities meant to do the same, it can provide a boost that’s quite helpful.
  • Its anxiety-reducing properties – One of the benefits of holy basil is that it has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. This can be especially important for those facing an overload of stress who simply do not want to resort to pharmaceutical means to control it. It’s best to combine supplement use with other stress-busting measures, such as exercise, proper diet and plenty of rest. Holy basil can help with the rest, too, as it’s been shown to help alleviate insomnia.

Holy basil is also being studied for its potential to fight cancer. Its antioxidant properties have already shown useful in slowing the growth of certain forms of cancers in research trials.

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