Exterior Doors: More Than A Mere Entrance

by | Sep 22, 2014 | Business

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The main entrance of any home is built to make the biggest statement possible. This has been the tradition for centuries. It does not matter whether the exterior doors in question are the entry way for a public or private building. Industries, commercial enterprises, government buildings and residence of all types have all realized, even if it was subconsciously, the importance of making a statement. In other words, exterior doors, particularly the main entrance, are not for purely practical reasons.

Door Symbolism

Doors have come to mean many things throughout history. In general, they symbolize:

* Stability

* Family

* Security

* Power

* Wealth

* Permanence

* Strength

Exterior doors accomplish this partly through our memory’s access to the past or historical reference. We see a solid oak door and think stability and security. We visit a mansion and look at the ornate carved doors and think of wealth and power. Yet, exterior doors can also visually provide us with information about a specific home or owner – or at least what we can surmise about them.

Exterior Doors and First Impressions
People are sensual creatures. We deduce, much like the literary detective Sherlock Holmes, using our senses. When it comes to exterior doors, we use our eyes. When visiting a business, apartment building or residence for the first time, we stop and look at the door and its surroundings. We look at the door and remark on:

* The color

* The style

* The overall condition

* Whether it is ornate or plain

We also wonder:

* Is it customized or “off the rack?”
* How it fits or if it fits in with the house or building it represents
* If it is different than the doors of the neighbors or surrounding buildings
* Whether it is suitable for the tone or character of the rest of the neighborhood or if it is totally out of character in either an appropriate or inappropriate way

A door can set the home or business apart. It can make a statement. It can tell us it is functional or utilitarian. It can be an object of ornate beauty. It can be worn down or even decrepit enough to suggest neglect or financial distress. Overall the nature of exterior doors can set off a chain of subconscious thoughts racing in our mind. In doing so, they help us define the nature of those who live within.

Exterior Doors are the entryway into your home or business. As such, they can say much about you and your character. If you want to make a good impression, maybe you should consider wood doors. If this is the route you want to take, talk to the professionals at Nick’s Building Supply. Call 7 days a week 219-663-2279!

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