Facing DUI Charges in Tyler, TX? Legal Representation Can Help

by | Jul 24, 2017 | Lawyer

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It’s been said that life can change in the blink of an eye and that’s true in more ways than one. It may be the driver who enjoyed a celebratory dinner out and is now on the way home, or maybe someone who stopped after work to have a beer with friends, before heading home in time for dinner. The flashing blue lights insisting the driver pull over may be all it takes for the driver to find themselves handcuffed, in the back of a police car, and headed to jail while their car is towed to an impound lot. In this split second, life has gone from carefree to confusing. This unfortunate situation for the driver facing DUI charges in Tyler, TX will most likely cost much time, money and maybe even driving privileges before it’s all sorted out.

A DUI Attorney Can Help

There is no doubt that driving under the influence is a dangerous choice for both the operator of the vehicle and any other drivers they may meet on the road. Of course, a bad choice can be made and for those facing first time DUI charges in Tyler, TX, an experienced attorney can help minimize the penalties. Even repeat offenders can benefit from the representation of an attorney. From the first appearance in court through the trial, if necessary, the attorney will be by the side of their client. In fact, it’s suggested to hire an attorney immediately if facing a DUI charge. There is a fairly rapid time-line when facing DUI charges, and without requesting a hearing within only days of the arrest, the driver’s license will be suspended without question. An experienced attorney knows this and will ensure filings are done in a timely manner.

Minimize Penalties

For some, driving under the influence may be a repeat offense and even the best attorney can’t make the charges go away, but for other’s facing this charge for the first time, an attorney will work diligently to minimize the fines and driving restrictions, at the very least fighting for a hardship license, allowing the client to drive to work and home during the week. This helps avoid additional financial hardship due to loss of employment.

Of course, driving while impaired is dangerous for everybody, but when facing charges due to a bad judgment, call, don’t hesitate. Call the Law Office of Holmes, Moore, Waldron & Parrish P.L.L.C. for help.

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