While there is great attention placed upon abused women, and rightfully so, there is not so much attention paid to battered men. There are a multitude of reasons why this is so, chief among them being that there is a societal taboo against men who report such crimes. Here are some facts about domestic abuse against men to consider when hiring a domestic violence lawyer in Lebanon County.
* According to the National Institute of Justice, approximately 40% of all domestic abuse victims are men, making up roughly 835,000 individual incidents per year.
* Over 10% of men who reported being domestically assaulted said that they were attacked or threatened with a knife. Just over 20% of the reports stated that the men were injured with “hard objects” which resulted in professional medical attention.
* Nearly 90% of men who reported being battered also reported prior incidences of being mentally abused as well.
* The law provides the same kind of protection for men who are being battered as with women. There is no law that states that a man cannot file a personal protection order, otherwise known as a restraining order, against their spouse or partner. Contact the local police to initiate the process and then hire a domestic violence lawyer in Lebanon County to get the proper legal advice as to how to go from there.
* Out of all rapes on men that were done by someone that was known, nearly 30% were by a spouse or intimate partner.
* 5% of homicide victims who are male were killed by an intimate or domestic partner of some sort.
* Two out of every five gay or bisexual men will suffer some form of domestic violence in their lifetime.
To get advice on how to get out of an abusive relationship, seek the help of an attorney with years of experience handling such cases. The law offices of Melissa R. Montgomery is a good place to start as they have the understanding of the law that is necessary to help the victim help themselves.
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