Family Dentistry in Wichita KS Wants to Protect Your Tooth After Injury

by | May 25, 2015 | Dentistry

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When a person has a tooth injury, it can cause a myriad of symptoms. Though healthy teeth are normally not damaged, they can be when blunt trauma occurs. Though some minor injuries may not require a rush to the dentist, it is always important to seek care from family dentistry Wichita KS when an injury seems severe. Injuries that have caused bleeding, trauma to the tooth tissue or pain need to be checked to ensure the tooth can remain viable.

Many injuries can be repaired if a person sees their dentist promptly. The main repair issues involve teeth that have damage that runs below the gum line. This is where the root resides, making a tooth more vulnerable to necrosis. To determine what type of damage has occurred, the dentist will need to perform a full examination and may need to take X-ray films to check for damage below the gum line or inside the tooth.

The vast majority of minor damage is repaired by smoothing rough edges and filling the tooth with a dental resin compound. This seals off the nerve and prevents foods and beverages from entering the inner areas of the tooth and causing pain and infection. Filling the tooth also makes it stronger so it is less likely to become damaged again.

Through treatment provided by family dentistry in Wichita KS, even patients who have knocked out teeth can receive care. If the patient gets to the dentist in time with their tooth, it can often be re-seated and sutured in place until it heals.

When a tooth is severely damaged, the dentist may make the decision to cap the tooth with a crown. Crowns are tooth-shaped shells that completely cover a tooth and shield it from damage. Since they blend in perfectly with other teeth, no one can tell work has been done.

If you have experienced a tooth injury, seeing the dentist is crucial. The sooner dental care is sought, the more likely the tooth can be repaired. Through dental care, all types of tooth injuries can be cared for to help prevent loss. Call your dentist today and schedule an appointment right away.

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