FAQs About A Commercial Storage Facility in Waipahu

by | Oct 17, 2017 | Moving and Storage

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In Hawaii, businesses require storage when they relocate to a new area and aren’t sure when the new property will be available. These relocations are based, typically, on a market assessment that determines that the company would be more profitable in a new area. A local provider can answers questions about a Commercial Storage Facility in Waipahu and the services that are available to business owners.

What Services are Provided to Local Business Owners?

Local service providers also present moving services to accommodate business relocations and transportation requirements. The local movers provide short, and long distance moves into the Waipahu area. They don’t provide packaging services for the businesses, but they offer packing supplies based on the company’s needs.

Are There Restrictions On the Contents of the Storage Units?

Yes, companies cannot store combustibles inside the storage units as these materials increase liabilities associated with a possible fire or explosion. The rental provider will present the company with a list of any items that aren’t allowed in the units. Any violation of these terms of the lease results at the end of the lease agreement.

Are Delivery Services Available When the New Location is Ready?

Yes, the moving service provider can accommodate the transportation of the stored items or equipment to the company’s new location based on the availability of the service. The moving service provides the company with dates the transport services can be booked to deliver these items.

How Do Companies Pay Their Rental Fees?

The company has several options for paying the rental fees for the storage unit they choose. They can pay by calling the service provider and submitting the payment over the phone, by mailing a check, or by logging into an account online through the service provider’s website.

In Hawaii, businesses rely on storage facilities to keep their machinery and equipment secure until their property becomes available. The storage units are climate controlled to prevent possible property damage, and they are monitored by a security system. Business owners who need to acquire services through a Commercial Storage Facility in Waipahu can read more about us now.

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