Fighting A Criminal Sexual Assault Charge With A Defense Lawyer In Chicago

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Lawyer

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In the state of Illinois all individuals who are convicted of sexually-based crimes are required by law to register as a sex offender upon their release from prison or jail. These convictions additionally impose the requirement to notify all residents of any given neighborhood that the individual is moving there and the date in which he or she will become a resident. Further stipulations imply that sex offenders are not allow to reside in areas near schools, local parks, or any playgrounds in which children are present, if their crime involved children. Violation of any term of release results in an immediate arrest and further criminal charges. Anyone facing this charge can contact John Fitzgerald Lyke, Jr. who is a Defense Lawyer in Chicago.

What is Criminal Sexual Assault?

Criminal sexual assault is a predominant crime within this category. It is classified as a Class one offense in Illinois. The imposed sentence for this crime is no less than four years and no more than fifteen years in a state prison. The law cannot impose probation for this crime as its classification deems it heinous and malicious. The state of Illinois requires a mandatory prison sentence for all who are convicted of this crime without exceptions. Laws that are applied to this crime are imposed by Illinois State Criminal Code 720 ILCS 5/12 through 13.

Any repeat offenders will receive penalties for the additional charge. For instance, a second offense results in a sentence of no less than six years and a maximum of thirty years in prison. Any additional offenses of criminal sexual assault result in a sentence of less than thirty to sixty years or life.

How is Criminal Sexual Assault Defined?

Criminal sexual assault is defined as sexual penetration that is forced upon the victim. It may included an inability of the victim to understand what is happening to them such as with a child under a specific age. Further definition includes victims under 18 who are related to the accused, victims who are at least 13 but not 18. Defendants who receive this charge are at least 17 years of age who possessed the victim’s trust, authority of the victim, or was left to supervise him or her. Anyone accused of this crime should contact a Defense Lawyer In Chicago to represent them.

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