Florida’s Summer is Approaching Fast – Get Air Conditioning Repair in Davenport, FL Before it Hits!

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Florida’s summer is almost upon us. In just about another month, 70-degree days will be all but a thing of the past, and it’ll only get hotter from there. Therefore, it’s essential to get any needed air conditioning repair in Davenport, FL right away in order to avoid some miserably sweaty days.

If your air conditioner had completely stopped working at the end of fall, then there’s no doubt that you need to get it fixed. There are many problems that fall into the category of an air conditioner “not working,” so the specifics of the repair will vary. When the unit blows outdoor-temperature air, that’s usually a sign that the coolant has leaked away. The leak will need to be fixed before the coolant is recharged, or else the new coolant will just disappear like the old supply did. Sometimes, this problem is caused by something more basic: blockages around the outdoor unit. Fallen live oak leaves, the growth of Spanish moss on the unit’s housing, or tall weeds growing right next to the unit can all cover the fins and leave the machine with no way to let the heat out. Clean around the unit and test your system again before calling for service.

An air conditioner that works, but doesn’t do so as well as it should, is more likely to surprise you by failing when the weather’s temperature knob gets turned back to its usual “blast furnace” setting. The strain of spring and summer heat can put the final nail in the coffin of these limping AC systems. Therefore, you shouldn’t wait for it to stop working completely. Call for air conditioning repair in Davenport, FL from a company like Charles M. Watts AC to fix machines that aren’t producing enough cooling, make loud noises during operation, or that only respond to start-up signals on a sporadic basis.

While calling for early repairs on failing systems likely won’t make the job easier, it will ensure that your AC system is ready for the return of 85-degree days, extreme humidity, and other uniquely Floridian challenges. The one thing you don’t want to have to face is the choice of whether to sweat like mad or open the windows to gallons of rainwater in a desperate bid to get some cool air inside.

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