Creep feeding is a great way to wean goat kids off of their mother’s milk and onto solid food. The creep feeder is surrounded by a fence with openings large enough to allow kids through, but small enough to keep adult goats out. Commercial goat creep feed in Seneca KS, typically contains 16% crude protein, ensuring strong and healthy growth. The bottom line is that creep-fed kids can go to market earlier.
Designing a creep feeder can be challenging since goats are clever and athletic animals. The fence needs to be high enough that adult goats cannot jump or climb over it. The openings in the fence also need to be just the right size for a kid to go through, but not their mothers.
Kansas has a surprisingly large goat industry, producing meat and milk. The influx of immigrants from the Middle East has increased the demand for goat meat in Chicago and along the East Coast. Also, health-conscious Americans have increasingly turned to wholesome, easy-to-digest goat milk yogurt and cheese.
In addition to commercially produced goats, backyard hobby farmers are also fond of these small ruminants. Goats not only produce milk but can also be used to clear brush on a homestead. Not only that, some people keep goats as fun, playful, backyard pets. Where ever you fall on the spectrum, giving your adult and kid goats high-quality, nutritious feed makes them happy and healthy.