Foot Pain? How You Can Use Foot massage in Oahu HI And Other Methods To Treat Pain On Your Own

by | Sep 11, 2014 | Massage Therapist

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Anyone who is on their feet for long periods of time knows that foot pain can be debilitating. This problem usually occurs when too much strain has been placed on the feet, or when someone has inadequate foot support. Before seeing a doctor or using medication, there are a few ways that people can try to relieve foot pain:

Try Getting A Foot massage

People who just have tired feet with overly tensed muscles, Foot massage in Oahu HI can be a simple way to relieve pain. It is possible to massage your own feet at home by gently rubbing the arches of your feet with your hands. You can also use what is known as the ball rolling method. Place a tennis ball under the arch of your foot and slowly roll your foot back and forth over it. You can apply as much pressure onto the ball as feels comfortable to you. This will help you to achieve a deep stretch and massage of the arch. If self-massage does not work for you, getting a professional Foot massage in Oahu HI is an easy, relaxing way to work out muscle cramps and tightness.

Consider Orthopedic Inserts

Many times, foot pain is exacerbated by unsupportive footwear. If it is not possible to find shoes that have a comfortable, supportive arch, try purchasing gel orthopedic inserts. These are fairly inexpensive and can be used in most types of shoes. They provide a pliable cushion support for your arch, which takes pressure off of your feet and can also improve your posture. If inserts you find in the stores do not seem to work for you, a podiatrist can assess your individual needs and order a custom-made insert for you.

Give Your Feet A Break

If possible, rest your feet as often as you can and avoid prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces like concrete. If you must stand for your job, be sure to sit down and rest during your allotted breaks. It is best to rest with your shoes off and your feet slightly elevated so that the muscles can relax. If you are an athlete, slow down your exercise routine to allow for healing time.

If foot pain persists or makes it difficult to walk, see a doctor. Depending on your situation, your doctor may administer steroid shots into the foot to relieve the pain and cramping. For more info, visit Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage.

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