If you own a Ford Fusion, you want to keep it driving like new. With so many services to choose from, it can be challenging to determine which ones are necessary for your sedan and the right times to have them performed. Fortunately, these maintenance tips can make it easier for you.
Consult with the Manual
Your Ford Fusion manual is a wealth of information. It includes a list of maintenance services that should be conducted according to a set time frame. Some services go by miles instead. For example, transmission fluid should be flushed out and changed every 100,000 miles on an automatic transmission Ford Fusion Burbank sedan. When in doubt, always read your vehicle’s manual before making assumptions.
Keep Up with Oil Changes
Getting an oil change is a relatively fast and low-cost maintenance service that can significantly increase the performance of your car. Forgetting to do this maintenance service can result in decreased gas efficiency and even engine problems. If you forget to get your Ford Fusion Burbank oil change, don’t worry. Our technicians can remind you when the time comes via snail mail or email. In addition to this, you will receive a service sticker with your next oil change date listed so, you never forget.
Check Your Tires Often
Tires are another challenging area when it comes to maintenance. Firstly, you should inspect your tires frequently to avoid problems such as leaks, holes or low air. Be sure to fill your tires up according to the manufacturer’s recommended level as well. In addition to this, getting a tire rotation every few months is recommended to maintain proper balance.
If you are in need of maintenance services or a repair for your Ford Fusion, stop by Hawk Ford today. Our automotive experts are ready to get your vehicle running like new again.