Fun Facts About Gauges in New Mexico

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Business

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You are probably unaware how many times you glance at the gauges in your vehicle when you are behind the wheel. It becomes very evident how important these barely noticed readouts are when a gauge is no longer working properly. Vehicle Gauges in New Mexico automobiles keep vehicles running safely, but even though they are in every vehicle few people know that much about them. Here are a few fun facts you may not know.

*    The Gas Gauge:

*    It was 1922 when the first gas gauges began appearing in vehicles. While it may seem to be a necessity today, at that time it was still considered an extra.

*    Find the gas tank:

*    If you have ever pulled up to a gas pump, gotten out to fill your vehicle and realized you were on the wrong side, then you know how frustrating and embarrassing this can be. When driving a new vehicle or a rental you can now avoid this confusion. New vehicles now have a small arrow on the gauge that points to the side the tank is on.

*    Prevent a cold blast:

*    The temperature gauge does not just monitor your engine coolant. It is also a good way to know when you can comfortably turn on your heater blower. Once the needle moves off of cold, your heater will be warm and comfortable to use. This tip can help you avoid that arctic blast the blower is infamous for emitting when the vehicle is cold.

*    Speeding tickets begin:

*    The first speedometer, or velocimeter as it was once called, was installed in 1901 in the Oldsmobile Curved Dash Runabout. Once the speedometer become a standard fixture in all automobiles, speeding tickets were created.

*    Adjusting their numbers:

*    When the DeLorean was released, the highest number speedometers could go was 85 mph in the United States. Even though it was well-known that the DeLorean was capable of speeds of 130 mph, the speedometer displayed only the top speed of 85.

While these little facts are all fun to learn about, having Gauges in New Mexico that are not working or are inaccurate is not any fun at all. In fact, it can lead to damage to your vehicle, running out of fuel and even a few unappreciated speeding tickets. Avoid the headaches and get your gauges repaired or replaced today.

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