Get A Fresh Start With Help From Your Wetumpka, AL Bankruptcy Attorney

by | Nov 12, 2018 | Lawyer

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Financial stresses are often seen as the kind of life pressures that can permeate every aspect of a person’s existence. When a person loses their job or has another financial blow, such as unexpected medical bills that cause them to get behind on their monthly payments, the decline from being ‘a little late on the bills’ to being completely unable to catch up, can be rapid.

It always seems to be a slippery slope effect when there is a job loss that coincides with a large, unexpected expense such as a home repair or a health crisis. Recent economic conditions that have affected not only the job market, but the housing values of the entire country have also put people in a bad position with their home equity and their life savings.

Wetumpka, AL Bankruptcy Attorney clients are in the process of making sure they can wipe the slate clean of their past debts and they are looking to the future for their fresh start in getting back on their feet financially.

Financial insolvency has become something quite common and it has reached all social classes, with nobody being exempt from the brutal turns the economic climate has thrown at them. When the amount of credit card debt and loans that a family owes is just too much to ever dream of catching up with, filing for bankruptcy may just be the most practical and intelligent answer to the problem.

Consulting with the Wetumpka, AL Bankruptcy Attorney can help a debtor to clarify if the Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding would be a wise choice for them. Most lawyers are happy to offer a no obligation initial meeting in order to help the prospective client more clearly understand what it takes to qualify for filing bankruptcy.

The laws regarding bankruptcy are federal laws, the proceeding is handled by the Courtney & Mann LLP and if a person has filed bankruptcy in the past, there is a minimum amount of time they must wait to file it again.

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