Vision problems can affect people of all ages, even children. If you think your child may be having problems with their vision, get them in for eye care in Murfreesboro, TN. There are signs to watch for to indicate that your child may be having trouble seeing. If they struggle to read or write, this may be a sign that they should see an optometrist. An eye care professional will be able to test your child’s vision to determine if they need glasses.
Most doctors perform eye exams on children at their wellness checkups each year. However, if in between that time you notice your child struggles to see things at a distance or can’t make out simple words in their books, get them to an eye doctor for an exam. Infact, it’s not a bad idea to get everyone in your family checked out at an eye doctor. It’s recommended that you get an eye exam once a year anyway so this would be a good time to get everyone together for eye care in Murfreesboro, TN.
There are other things you can watch for to tell if you, your child or anyone else in your family may be having problems with their vision. Squinting to see things is a big sign. That’s because when you squint to see things you are trying to reduce the size of the blurred image. If you see your child tilting their head often to see things, this may indicate an eye muscle imbalance and tilting can minimize double vision. Rubbing of the eyes and eye watering may also indicate your child may be having problems with their vision. This is also a sign of eye fatigue so if you find yourself with itchy, dry, watery eyes then get to an eye doctor for eye care in Murfreesboro, TN.
Finding a great family eye doctor can be as easy as asking a friend or family member for a recommendation. A teacher may also be able to recommend a great eye doctor for a student since they probably see a lot of children with vision problems.
If you child seems apprehensive or anxious about going to the eye doctor, be sure to explain that the eye doctor is there to help them see better. Eye exams are not painful and they are not scary. The eye doctor is just going to test their vision to see if they need glasses.
If the eye doctor determines that your child needs glasses, they will refer you to an optician who can help your child find the perfect pair of glasses. Once your child starts wearing their new glasses, you will most likely see a significant improvement in their school work and reading.
McCabe Vision Center dedicated to providing the best eye care solution to solving every patient’s visual needs in Murfreesboro TN.