Go With Granite Fabrication in Wisconsin for Your New Kitchen

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Countertop Store

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Countertops come in an array of styles and colors. They also come in an array of materials. From the 1940’s on up well into the 1990’s people loved to use Formica countertops in their homes. It is great stuff, because it was affordable and could be cut to fit any size. There have always been and still are hundreds of styles and textures of Formica.

Luckily, in now times people have wizened up to using natural stones like granite for their countertops. Granite countertops offer a surface that is durable and does not damage over time. You may put a few scratches on the granite surface here and there, but that is ok there are ways around this too.

Go with granite and see the difference for yourself. Chances are you have someone in your life right now that has a granite countertop. A good custom cabinetry company will do granite and customize it to your needs. Look into companies like Stone Innovations that does granite fabrication in Wisconsin if you are building your own cabinets or just getting new counters on old cabinets. Here are some advantages of granite.

Why should you choose granite over Formica?

* Granite lasts over time versus Formica. Formica can dull and scar easily. Formica can also be cut by a knife.

* Granite is not easily destroyed. Chances are your granite countertop will outlast the cabinets.

* Granite is naturally beautiful. The marbling in the granite pieces are all made from the Earth.

* Unless you remove the granite countertops they will still exist long after you have moved.

The best thing to do is check into a contractor that does granite fabrication in Wisconsin, and look at some of the work they have done. They could also be willing to show you some pieces of granite that they have on hand.

If you are using a cabinet shop to recreate your kitchen, they will usually work directly with the granite fabricating company. This works out best for you, because they are professionals and can get the exact measurements that you need for your new countertops. Once you cut granite there is no fixing the mistakes. Hire a contractor or cabinet shop, and get the beautiful modern countertops that are granite.

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