Has the Time Come to Consider Window Replacement in Tinley Park?

by | May 27, 2015 | Garage Doors

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At one time or another, just about every aspect of the home will need some type of work. In the case of the windows, the day may come when they need to be replaced. Being aware of the signs that indicate the day for Window Replacement Tinley Park has arrived will help the homeowner know what to do next. Here are a few examples of those signs.

Stubborn Sashes

One of the more common signs that Window Replacement Tinley Park is in order is sashes that no longer move up and down with ease. In the best case scenario, those sashes can be opened to whatever setting the homeowner wants and remain in place until they are closed again. If raising a sash requires super-human strength and then a section of a broom handle to keep it from crashing down, there is no doubt that the time has come to call a contractor and have new windows installed.


Over the years, the frame and sashes have developed signs of being less than sturdy. Perhaps termites did a number of the window sections, or maybe it was just the effects of being exposed to the elements for so many years. Whatever the reasons, the fact is those windows are in an advanced state of decay. The only reasonable thing to do is a Window Replacement Tinley Park before they finally fall to pieces.

Lack of Visual Appeal

A fresh coat of paint on the wooden sections of the window is no longer enough to rejuvenate the appearance. Even with new paint, the windows still look old and tired. That is dragging down the look of the whole house. By choosing to replace all the windows, the place will begin to look vibrant and attractive again. Along the way, the homeowner is likely to find those new windows also help make it easier to heat and cool the house.

To learn more about options for replacement windows, visit A Better Door & Window and see what they have to offer. Once the windows are selected, a team can handle the installation and make sure every new window is a perfect fit. Visit the website for more information.

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