Have You Considered a Walk In Tub for Your Homes in Boston, Massachusetts?

by | May 19, 2022 | Home Improvement

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At one point, you probably spent lots of time in your bathtub, filling it up at your leisure, soaking in it and then stepping easily out of it. Whether you’re getting older or you’ve experienced an injury, you might not be able to do that anymore. Incase of above, its important to read below about why you should consider your home should have Walk In Tubs Boston.

These days, you might have to get a family member or perhaps a trusted friend to help you step over that bathtub ledge so you can get into your tub safely. You might even be going it alone and risking further injury by getting in and out on your own.

In either case, it’s a less-than-ideal situation. You might have considered completely remodeling your bathroom to accommodate your changing needs – but you know that’s going to cost a pretty penny. If you’re on a fixed income, that prospect might be well beyond reach. The best solution, then, is to find a company that offers altered walk in tubs in Boston, Massachusetts.

Unlike the total remodel option, a walk in tub doesn’t require you to pay for an expensive overhaul of your bathing area. Instead of taking out the existing bathtub, a Boston, Massachusetts walk in tub company will cut out a portion of your tub. That creates a space wide enough for you to walk in and out of your tub area, without having to raise your feet up high and risk a fall.

This is a completely customizable option. While the walk in tub opening needs to be at least four inches off the floor, you could make the opening higher if you want. You could also request a wider or narrower opening, depending on your needs and the aesthetic you’re trying to achieve. That tub opening doesn’t look out of place, either. By using a superior bonding process, the tub will look as if it’s always been that way. If you need grab bars or other assistive devices installed, that can also be done the same day.

Before you go out and pay an exorbitant amount of money for a new, remodeled bathtub and bathroom, consider instead walk in tub option for your Boston, Massachusetts home. If you decide later that you don’t need it anymore, the walk in tub opening can be closed again. Bottom line: there’s not a lot of risk in trying out this option for your health, safety and peace of mind. Visit Jacuzzi Bath Remodel by Capital for any help regarding bathroom remodeling and Walk In Tub for Your Homes in Boston, Massachusetts and nearby areas Wellesley, Nashua, NH, Plymouth, Cambridge, Burlington, Belmont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, etc.

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