Sleep apnea is a health concern that should always be taken seriously. It can damage the health, even if it is minor, by potentially causing weight gain, raising blood pressure and making it impossible to ever feel fully rested. Serious cases can even lead to death. A Sleep Device in Short Hills NJ may be the best way to begin treatment and eliminate this annoying concern.
This device is an oral appliance that can be custom fit to the mouth of the sufferer. These items are generally prescribed by a primary care doctor or a specialist who treats sleep disorders. A dentist or ENT will then be able to provide the patient with a device that will treat their problem the best.
A sleep apnea is generally defined as someone who has their sleep interrupted by disturbances to their breathing patterns. This is usually caused by an obstruction like enlarged tonsils, the tongue being in the way or from being obese. It could also be a sinus problem like a blockage of some kind in the nasal passage. Browse website to get more information.
When the problem stems from an issue with the mouth, jaw or throat and is mild to moderate in severity a dental device is usually sufficient to combat it and make sleep easier again. A dental device will be fitted to the mouth. It may be to prevent the movement of the tongue, to pull the jaw forward or to assist by correcting some other concern that may be reducing the amount of oxygen the sleeper is able to receive.
In most cases, a fitting for a Sleep Device in Short Hills NJ is a quick and easy process that will take only one or two visits. If the device is uncomfortable or is preventing sleep another treatment method may be needed. Most people will see some improvement within a few days with a definite improvement with a couple of weeks. The first to notice the change will often be a spouse or partner who typically appreciate the lower volume of snoring, a common sign of sleep apnea.
If you want to learn more, Westfield Oral Surgery can help to explain how these devices are made and how they work. If your doctor has suggested sleep apnea could be the cause of your health concerns, contact them today to schedule an appointment.