Heating Your Home and Using a Home Humidifier in Omaha NE

by | Mar 24, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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When the cold weather comes most people turn on their heat. Furnaces and heat pumps can cause the air inside your home to become dry which can cause respiratory problems and create conditions for head colds and sinus problems. A Home Humidifier in Omaha, NE can help offset the effects of your heating system by adding moisture to the air. Whether you are healthy or have respiratory or immune system problems, whole house humidifier systems are beneficial to your indoor air quality.

Dry air is stale air and it can create a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Even the smell of the dry air is a sign that you may already have some bacteria being released into your home’s air supply. Humidifying the air gets rid of that stale air and any foul odors that may come with it. You can enjoy the smell of fresh air even when you cannot have your windows open.

You can save money on your energy bills by using a whole house humidifier with your furnace or heating system. You would think the cost would be higher with an extra working electrical device running, but in this case that is not true. Moist air provides warmer feeling air than dry air. You will be able to set your thermostat to a lower setting which will result in lowering the usage of your system and lower your bills.

It’s not unusual for people with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems to have a tougher time with breathing in the winter. The cold air is not helpful, but dry air indoors is also a trigger. By using a humidifier to provide some moisture content to your dry air, you can prevent asthma attacks, allergy triggers, and breathe easier. This is an important factor in improving your home’s air quality.

Dry air can also contribute to the deterioration of your furniture, home interior, and other belongings. This includes wood tables and furniture, electronics, appliances, computers, and musical instruments. Static electricity is a common occurrence in homes with dry air. A Home Humidifier in Omaha, NE can offset the problem and protect your belongings. A1 United Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical can help you with your home air humidifier solution.

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