Helpful Information on Dental Lumineers in Birmingham Alabama

by | Jun 25, 2014 | Dental Services

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Everyone wants their smile to look its very best. If you are not confident in the appearance of your teeth, you are not going to feel happy with your overall appearance. Whether you have severe staining, minor damage or gaps between your teeth, these can be corrected through the dentist. Your dentist can offer Dental Lumineers in Birmingham Alabama, to cover your teeth and give you a brand new smile. If you are considering this treatment, this information will help you in knowing what to expect. Visit website for more information.

What are Lumineers and How are They Placed on Your Teeth?

Lumineers are porcelain veneers that are placed over your teeth, to cover a wide array of cosmetic concerns. These thin sheets of porcelain are tooth-shaped, so they look natural when covering your teeth. The dentist can further shape them once they are on your teeth, so they look beautiful and fit in well with your surrounding teeth.

To place lumineers on your teeth, the dentist will first need to prepare them. The preparation process removes a portion of the outer layer of your tooth. Removing this portion allows the lumineer to be able to be placed over your teeth, without protrusion occurring. If the teeth were not shaved down, your new lumineers would stick out farther than they should and your smile would not look attractive.

Once the portion of your teeth has been removed, the dentist may roughen the exterior with special tools. This helps to ensure your lumineers will be able to be properly adhered to your teeth, so a strong bond is created.

Once your lumineers are in place, you will need to make sure you take care of them. They can be chipped or broken, if you chew on hard food or non-food items. Your dentist will inform you of how to care for your new lumineers, so they stay looking good for many years to come.

If you would like more information on lumineers, contact the office of Dr. Michael S. Anglin Birmingham Alabama, so you can have your consultation appointment scheduled. This will allow you to see if lumineers will be right for you.

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