If you own a car or even if you just occasionally drive one, you need to carry a minimum of insurance coverage. If you have a newer car with a loan, you will need to carry more extensive coverage. Either way, you don’t want to pay more for auto insurance than you need to. Here are some tips on how to get cheap auto insurance in Chicago.
Shop Around
Every insurer has underwriting standards that differ slightly, and each insurer’s standards are based in part on risk factors and claims history. That means you could get significantly different quotes from different insurers. You should get quotes from at least three different insurers to ensure you get a good range of options.
Bundle Policies
Insurers often give multi-policy discounts to customers. That means if you get your auto and home insurance from the same company, you might get discounts of 10% or more on each policy. If you have policies with different companies, check with each to see if switching could save you money.
Don’t Get More Insurance Than You Need
One of the easiest ways to save on car insurance is to make sure you are not carrying more insurance than necessary. For example, if you have an old car that is not worth much, it doesn’t make sense to pay extra each month for coverage beyond minimum liability amounts. Over a year, the premiums you pay could be worth more than any payout you might get if your car is damaged or totaled. With the savings you get from not paying for extra coverage, you could start an emergency fund.
When you are looking for auto insurance, it helps to work with an expert company. Accurate Auto Insurance can help you find cheap auto insurance in Chicago.