Hiring Attorneys In White Plains NY For Commercial Litigation

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Attorneys in White Plains, NY, offer a range of beneficial services in the legal field, including civil and commercial litigation. In civil litigation, you have the option to file a claim against a manufacturer who sold you a faulty product, potentially resulting in personal injury. Lawsuits can also be filed against individuals responsible for other types of personal injury or wrongful death. With commercial proceedings, you can proactively prevent lawsuits against your company and safeguard your reputation.

Commercial Litigation

In commercial litigation, your attorney plays a crucial role in defending against accusations from former clients or the media. Tort laws exist to protect business owners whose reputations are being tarnished in the media. In cases of defamation of character, a resolution can be pursued.

In instances where a customer claims you sold a faulty product, they must prove that the product was not misused. If your product has clear warning labels that the customer failed to follow, your attorney can discredit their claim against you.

Local Attorney

Schwab and Gasparini offer a comprehensive range of legal services, with a primary focus on personal injury and commercial litigation. Through these services, you can safeguard your company’s interests, including its reputation, and take legal action against those responsible for injuries. These services are effective and provide robust support for your claims against opposition. If you’re ready to fight back, contact Schwab and Gasparini today or visit their website at https://www.schwabgasparini.com/.


Attorneys in White Plains, NY, deliver effective legal representation when facing disputes with clients or customers aiming to discredit your company. In commercial law, your chosen attorney provides strong legal representation to prevent individuals from damaging your company or brand. This includes advocating for a gag order when unfounded accusations circulate in the media. If your company is under media persecution or facing negative statements, contact Schwab & Gasparini for more information.

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