Hiring Car Accident Lawyers In Suffolk County, NY For Assistance

by | Apr 15, 2014 | Lawyers

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The nature of the bodily harm determines the amount of jail or prison time assigned to the defendant. For instance, if the victim died, the charge could be deemed vehicular manslaughter. This charge could produce a prison sentence of up to fifteen years. However, whenever intent is established, the sentence is increased. Visit website for more details.

Fleeing the Scene of an Accident

The classifications for fleeing the scene of an accident are associated with the damage sustained. If a hit and run produced only property damage it is classified as a misdemeanor; if bodily harm was sustained it is a felony. For misdemeanor charges, the fines do not exceed $1,000, and the crime is punishable by no more than one year in jail. However, the felony charge imposes fines of up to $10,000.

According to New York state law, all drivers involved in car accidents are required to file a report with their insurance agency, when damage exceeds $1,000. Immediately following the accident, law enforcement should be notified, especially is an injury is sustained. All drivers should exchange insurance information, registration, and driver’s license details to complete a claim properly. Any driver who is injured should contact Car Accident Lawyers in Suffolk County to represent them.

How an Arrest is Made

Law enforcement cannot arrest anyone for fleeing the scene without probable cause. This implies that an eye witness saw the driver who was directly responsible flee the scene. It further implies that surveillance cameras caught footage of the accident. Traffic cameras record periodically. They capture the vehicle’s license plate which provides a link to the owner of the vehicle. Unless the driver is identified by surveillance, law enforcement is required to arrest the owner of the vehicle.

If the driver of the vehicle was involved in the accident but can prove that he or she did not cause the accident, law enforcement cannot impose penalties for fleeing the scene. Although it is frowned upon by law any non-fault drivers can leave the scene without persecution. They are required to file a report with their insurance carrier for the accident. Anyone charged with fleeing the scene should contact Car Accident Lawyers in Suffolk County NY through The Law Office of Matthew Glassman to assist them.

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