Hiring Gilbert, Blaszcyk, And Milburn LLP For Worker’s Compensation Cases

by | Apr 9, 2014 | Lawyers

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Under New York state laws, all employers who have employees working for them are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance. This implies that the business owner has acquired a policy which is adequate enough to cover these probable liabilities, and it is based on the number of employees working for them. This law covers every employee who works within for-profit companies and any non-profit company that pays wages to its employees.

Stipulations that Apply to Worker’s Compensation

The state of New York has a board that controls the claims that are processed after work-related injuries. This board or agency determines the amount of benefits, that is paid toward the employee’s medical expenses and wages. In terms of these events, the state does not assign direct fault, when claims are filed. It does not deem any blame on either side unless the employee was impaired. If the accident involved alcohol or any controlled substance, the employee is deemed at fault and does not receive any form of benefits.

The employer and the insurance provider must both concede to the fact that the injury occurred on the job. At any time that either disagree or fight against this allegation, then worker’s compensation benefits are denied. When this occurs, the employee is required to hire an attorney to fight for benefits in court. Gilbert Blaszcyk and Milburn LLP are attorneys, which handle cases linked to these denials.

Disabilities Linked to Work-related Accidents

Temporary disabilities imply that the employee is incapable of doing some or all of his or her work duties for a short duration. This duration is linked to the required recovery time needed to heal after the accident. Alternately, permanent disability implies that he or she has partially or completely lost their ability to earn money and must file for some form of compensation to assist with supporting themselves financially.

The disabilities are classified as either a schedule of loss or non-schedule. A schedule loss implies that the employ no longer has the use of his or her limbs due to the accident. The non-schedule loss shows where the internal organs are affected by the accident. Any employee who is disabled due to a work-related injury should contact Gilbert Blaszcyk and Milburn LLP for further assistance. Visit website for more information.

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