Lionfish, long-admired for their exotic beauty, have one trait that makes them a devastating part of a non-native ecosystem: they are dangerous and effective predators. Given that their venomous spines invalidate nearly all potential predators and their willingness to eat just about anything makes them a threat to smaller species, Lionfish can quickly move into an area and take over.
Fortunately, in areas where the lionfish is running rampant, Lionfish cooking is helping to reverse this trend, one meal at a time. Keep reading to see how this ingenious approach can help save the planet.
Restores Balance
One important aspect of Lionfish cooking is to provide an incentive for companies to remove as many Lionfish as possible from aquatic environments by making it profitable to do so. Without a financial incentive, the only people concerned about removing Lionfish will be those with a sense of duty to protect the environment.
With a viable financial incentive, though, even commercial companies can get in on the act. By removing Lionfish at a rapid pace, it helps other species recover and reduces the likelihood that Lionfish will continue breeding.
Protects Other Species
Another unique way that marketing Lionfish helps save the environment is that it protects other fish species from being on the menu. Not that the Lionfish industry will ever disrupt the commercial fishing industry, but it will provide a viable replacement to other exotic fish as long as commercial removal continues.
Since most other exotic fish species are beneficial to the local aquatic environment, any protection they can be offered is important to the protection of the planet as a whole.